PJ Poll

NEW!! Vote for your favorite Polly, songs, and albums. Vote here.

old poll

Here are the results of the old poll, has lyrics.


Other PJ Harvey Pages

all and all PJ sites are pretty well done
  • Happy and Bleeding hey there pics here!
  • PJ Harvey NetOfficial?
  • PJ Harvey Full Discography and Lyrics
  • Dorian's Polly Jean Harvey Pagem.i.a.
  • This mess....
  • PJ Harvey-Lost Fun Zone
  • Rid Of Me
  • Dry Ecstasym.i.a.
  • No Girl So SweetFlash version(formerly Working for the Man)
  • PJ Shrine
  • Meet Ze Monstahmm this site seemed to mess up my computer, but it might be good so i'll keep it up
  • Polly-Size the first PJ page in Italian!

  • OLGA tabs
  • PoohBah's PJ
  • I Love You Polly Jean
  • Jeff's cool music page
  • UBL
  • R.O.C. linkbase-PJ Harvey
  • PJ Harvey Tabs

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  • This is my small contribution to the best woman rocker out there. You know, Polly Jean Harvey. She is a genius and don't deny it. The voice, the energy, the emotion, the guitar, the artist. Everyone who's a fan knows what the best site is, blah, blah, blah...WAIT, is shut down, I really will miss it. Anyhow, I found many sites. Some are big and some are just a page. At least they are there to show the surpremeness of PJ Harvey.


    Forgot to add that PJ is nominated for two GRAMMYs I think. Hopefully she'll win and hopefully they'll show it on the show or you'll have to check for those listings on the commercial break...GO PJ!

    Updated polls 1/02
    The only news that comes to mind is that PJ won the Mercury award (big award in UK) and was seen smooching Vincent Gallo (this is kinda old news). Oh, Marilyn Manson said that he would like to work with PJ and Tori Amos on his new album (read in Alt. Press), we'll see what happens.

    4/01/01). Two new sites are really good. Well actually I've only checked out one alot, I'm not sure but it looks like an official site, either way it has all her lyrics which is great. And why don't you try out this band Fiel Garvie. They were cool enough to send me their Cd "Vuka Vuka!" and they said that they kinda sound like PJ and they do. The sound is kind of spare, but the vocals reminds me of PJ. See PJ on tour with U2, man tickets are expensive so I'm not going.

    AHHHHHHHHH! PJ's coming to DC and I found out too late :( I feel slightly better that it sold out like in ten minutes. Dang, I thought she was gonna come in January or later at least. Anyways, anyone going to the concert at the Black Cat 12/12/00?

    PJ's album "Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea," is coming out this Tuesday, Halloween, Oct. 31, 2000!!! And it has really good reviews, AP and Spin say its good, I'll try to find a review online.

    First update here, in Y2K. There's nothing I can think of to write about for PJ. Check the news button above the ablum picture for more up-to-date stuff. Nothing new there either. I did update the polls and no more lyrics and artists pick because I'm too lazy. There's enough to get the picture anyways. (5/11/00)

    In late August(1999) on WHFS they said a live "Civil War Correspondent" will be on 99.1's "Just Passing Through" cd. The DJ said it was called "Civil War" and was maybe released on a b-side or import, but we know better (it was on Dance Hall). It sounds pretty much the same as the album version.

    Lastly, for the time being, check out the poll results and read the lyrics section. PJ has some really awesome stuff, be amazed and laugh out loud. 9/11/99

    PJ will play on Sessions at West 54th on 1/29/99 on certain PBS channels with Chocolate Genius (Please check local listings because it differs everywhere). To find more Music on Tv click on Rock On Tv You can probably catch a rerun or a song or two on a best of show. (this is old, but Sessions does alot of reruns, so maybe you can catch an old performance)

    Is This Desire has been out for a whil. Read a review: Agonized Woman or the AP Review here's a review by some fans.

    Is This Desire by PJ Harvey, came out Tuesday, Sept. 29.
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